Once I picked up a paintbrush, it was only a matter of time until I put to canvas the view from my kitchen window in a rented flat in Pretoria. West-facing, the kitchen window would often spoil me with vistas of the sunset which would continue to inspire the techniques adopted to achieve the skies …
This was the 3rd version of a practice series where I was working on my mountains in general. Here I focused on creating depth, and the study of colour values in shading, and the effect of depth on the values of shadows. It’s just a canvas covered in mountains, and I like the way it …
I thoroughly enjoy creating massive, majestic mountains. To me, the stark contrast of such an imposing object presented in a space where everything else is as unimposing as possible makes for a great concept, and worked out great on canvas. There’s an emptiness broken by the ageless mass of towering peaks, and I find it …